A new year is the perfect time to take charge of your financial future. It’s an opportunity to step back, reevaluate your financial health and set a clear path toward greater stability and growth. Why not make 2025 the year you take control of your money

Financial Guide to New Year Strategies

Welcome to our Guide to New Year Financial Strategies for a Brighter Future. CLICK FOR THE FULL GUIDE A new year is the perfect time to take charge of your financial future. It’s an opportunity to step back, reevaluate your financial health and set a clear path toward greater stability and growth. Why not make 2025 the year you take control of your money and create a strategy that...

Reasons to boost pension pots before April 2025    The tax year end is coming and even with the impending introduction of IHT on death benefits, pensions remain the best place to save for retirement and wealth transfer.    With tax relief available at a c

Reasons to boost pension pots before April 2025

    The tax year end is coming and even with the impending introduction of IHT on death benefits, pensions remain the best place to save for retirement and wealth transfer.    With tax relief available at a client's highest marginal rate, it remains as important as ever to maximise contributions. Therefore, we have compiled a checklist of discussion points that may...

Welcome to our latest issue. Like your car, your finances require consistent care and attention to keep running smoothly. Just as a regular service ensures your vehicle performs at its best and avoids costly breakdowns, a yearly financial check-up is vita

Oysters New Year 2025 Financial Planning Magazine

Welcome to our latest January/February 2025 edition. CLICK FOR THE FULL MAGAZINE   Articles featured in this issue:   Maximise your tax allowances before 5 April Make the most of your financial situation before the deadline   Autumn Budget Statement 2024 How could the range of changes impact your wealth planning?   Financial resolutions to boost your wealth this...

Oysters Financial Magazine November 2024 image

Oysters Financial Magazine November 2024

Welcome to our latest November/December 2024 edition. CLICK FOR THE FULL MAGAZINE Articles featured in this issue:   How does pension consolidation work?  Pensions can be confusing, but there is an alternative way to help keep on top of them Maximising returns The power of reinvesting dividends for long-term growth Stay focused on your retirement goals Identifying...

Yesterday saw the Chancellor Rachel Reeves very first Budget.  With an unusually long gap between election day and budget day the days were filled with rumours, speculation and quite possibly hysteria of what was going to be announced and the rights and w

Autumn Budget 2024

Yesterday saw the Chancellor Rachel Reeves very first Budget.  With an unusually long gap between election day and budget day the days were filled with rumours, speculation and quite possibly hysteria of what was going to be announced and the rights and wrongs of that.  I have had lot of conversations with clients regarding the possible impacts of some of the decisions the...

Welcome to our guide to Financial Advice during Divorce. Divorce can be bewildering, especially when managing your finances. However, understanding your options can make the process more manageable. Financial concerns may not be your first thought during

Financial Advice During Divorce

YOUR PATH TO CONFIDENCE AND A SECURE FUTURE Welcome to our guide to Financial Advice during Divorce. CLICK FOR THE FULL GUIDE Divorce can be bewildering, especially when managing your finances. However, understanding your options can make the process more manageable. Financial concerns may not be your first thought during a marital breakdown. Still, given the...

Welcome to our latest issue. On 30 October, Chancellor of the Exchequer Rachel Reeves will deliver the Autumn Budget Statement 2024. It will be a critical indicator of the government's approach to managing the economy, aiming to foster an environment cond

Autumn Budget Statement 2024 - What could it mean for your finances

Welcome to our latest issue. On 30 October, Chancellor of the Exchequer Rachel Reeves will deliver the Autumn Budget Statement 2024. It will be a critical indicator of the government's approach to managing the economy, aiming to foster an environment conducive to sustainable growth. The outcomes of this Autumn Budget will have far-reaching implications, potentially influencing everything from...

While retirement planning is common, people often focus on the early retirement years. However, your needs and lifestyle wishes can change drastically over retirement and could last decades. It’s just as important to think about how you’ll spend your late

Planning for financial security in later life

LATER LIFE CARE When you think about your future, how far ahead do you plan? Have you ever considered how far ahead you plan when you think about your future? Perhaps you’ve considered what your life will look like in 10 years, but have you considered your later years? CLICK FOR THE FULL GUIDE While retirement planning is common, people often focus on the early...

Welcome to our latest issue. Nobody wants to consider what would happen if they became too ill to support their family financially. Financial protection is essential to creating a secure future for your loved ones, but understanding what cover you may nee

Oysters Summer Financial Magazine 2024

Welcome to our latest July/August 2024 edition. CLICK FOR THE FULL MAGAZINE Articles featured in this issue: Retirement matters Making the right decisions today could boost your retirement pot and make the future a whole lot brighter Caring for grandchildren How it can help you boost your State Pension Britain’s biggest pension taxpayers How to make sure you avoid...

Welcome to our guide to building a bigger pension pot.  As we embark on the 2024/25 tax year, this guide looks at the opportunities to revitalise and boost your pension savings strategy, setting a solid foundation for future financial stability.  Early at

Building a bigger pension pot

How to ensure you fully exploit the benefits and allowances available to you.  CLICK FOR THE FULL GUIDE Welcome to our guide to building a bigger pension pot.  As we embark on the 2024/25 tax year, this guide looks at the opportunities to revitalise and boost your pension savings strategy, setting a solid foundation for future financial stability.  Early attention to your...

Articles featured in this issue:    Britons procrastinate on making a Will  Research identifies that over half of adults do not have a Will    Looming pension pitfall  £50 billion of hard-earned pension funds could be in jeopardy    Costs of later-life ca

Oysters May/June Financial Magazine

Welcome to our latest May/June 2024 edition. CLICK FOR THE FULL MAGAZINE   Articles featured in this issue:   Britons procrastinate on making a Will Research identifies that over half of adults do not have a Will   Looming pension pitfall £50 billion of hard-earned pension funds could be in jeopardy   Costs of later-life care Establishing a thorough...

Welcome to our Guide to Navigating the Intricacies of Retirement Planning. Preparing for your twilight years can often be perceived as a convoluted and daunting task. Questions about the longevity of your savings or the kind of lifestyle you aspire to liv

Retirement Planning

NAVIGATING THE INTRICACIES OF RETIREMENT PLANNING - How to get your retirement plans in motion?   Welcome to our Guide to Navigating the Intricacies of Retirement Planning. Preparing for your twilight years can often be perceived as a convoluted and daunting task. Questions about the longevity of your savings or the kind of lifestyle you aspire to live post-retirement might hover in your...

10 Years – Feels Like Yesterday    “The only way to do great work is to love what you do. If you haven’t found it yet, keep looking. Don’t settle” a quote from Steve Jobs.    For me the last 10 years since our business Oyster Financial Planning was create

Oyster Celebrates Ten Years

10 Years – Feels Like Yesterday   “The only way to do great work is to love what you do. If you haven’t found it yet, keep looking. Don’t settle” a quote from Steve Jobs.   For me the last 10 years since our business Oyster Financial Planning was created, starting in Hythe Marina, have flown by because I am lucky enough to love what we do.  Earning...

PROTECTING YOUR FAMILY, YOUR BIGGEST ASSET Life is unpredictable and filled with a multitude of potential risks.  The harsh truth is that an unexpected serious illness, a debilitating injury or even a sudden death can drastically affect a family’s financi

Protection for your family

PROTECTING YOUR FAMILY, YOUR BIGGEST ASSET Life is unpredictable and filled with a multitude of potential risks.  The harsh truth is that an unexpected serious illness, a debilitating injury or even a sudden death can drastically affect a family’s financial stability.   Welcome to our Guide to Protecting your Family, your Biggest Asset CLICK FOR THE FULL GUIDE...

Welcome to our latest March/April 2024 edition.  Your goals are unique to you and important to us. We don’t just look at the numbers; we create a plan tailored to your unique needs and ambitions and focus on what’s important to you and your loved ones. Pl

Oysters Spring Financial Magazine

Welcome to our latest March/April 2024 edition.   CLICK FOR THE FULL MAGAZINE   Articles featured in this issue:   Planning for an early retirement Living life to the fullest and accomplishing long-held dreams   Wealth accumulation Valuable insights that can impact an investment strategy   Adjusting your pension plans How could the normal minimum pension age...

Oyster’s Guide to Tax Year End Planning  As we approach the end of the tax year on 5 April 2024, it presents an ideal opportunity to assess  the various allowances and reliefs available for your beneift. Allocating time for this review can provide valuabl

Guide to Tax Year End Planning

Oyster’s Guide to Tax Year End Planning As we approach the end of the tax year on 5 April 2024, it presents an ideal opportunity to assess  the various allowances and reliefs available for your benefit. Allocating time for this review can provide valuable insight into potential opportunities for you and your family.   Welcome to our guide.   Understanding your tax...

Welcome to the first issue for 2024. The tax landscape has witnessed considerable changes, making the situation more challenging for taxpayers and investors alike. As we near the end of the 2023/24 tax year on 5 April, every taxpayer should understand the

Oysters New Year Financial Magazine 2024

Welcome to our latest January/February 2024 edition.   CLICK FOR FULL MAGAZINE   Articles featured in this issue: National Insurance Contributions (NICs) Significant reforms and rates cut for millions of workers Changes to the State Pension ‘Triple Lock’ to increase by 8.5% from 6 April 2024 Tax-saving measures  What actions to review before the...

Taxing times for 2023 A year marked by several tax changes that impacted higher rate taxpayers Strategies to minimise retirement tax Many pensioners may face a lurking tax risk as the State Pension grows Decoding auto-enrolment Good news on the horizon fo

Oysters Winter Financial Magazine

Welcome to our latest November/December 2023 edition.   CLICK FOR THE FULL MAGAZINE   Articles featured in this issue: Taxing times for 2023 A year marked by several tax changes that impacted higher rate taxpayers   Strategies to minimise retirement tax Many pensioners may face a lurking tax risk as the State Pension grows   Decoding auto-enrolment Good news on...

Welcome to our September/October 2023 edition. In this issue, we look at investment bonds and explain how they offer several benefits that some investors may be missing out on, which have become even more beneficial due to recent changes in tax regulation

Oyster's Sept/Oct Financial Magazine

Welcome to our latest September/October 2023 edition.   CLICK FOR THE FULL MAGAZINE   Articles featured in this issue:   Preserving wealth for future generations Starting estate planning early and implementing it in stages is desirable   Will you make the right decisions around your pension pot? Why defined contribution pensions are even more appealing for wealth...

Welcome to our ‘Guide to Protecting Your Financial Future’.    Life is a series of unpredictable moments, and some events may threaten your longterm financial stability. While we cannot foresee the future, we can establish plans to maximise our life exper

Protecting Your Financial Future

Welcome to our ‘Guide to Protecting Your Financial Future’.   Life is a series of unpredictable moments, and some events may threaten your longterm financial stability. While we cannot foresee the future, we can establish plans to maximise our life experiences. However, having a reliable financial safety net is crucial when life throws curveballs.   CLICK FOR THE FULL...

Welcome to our July/August 2023 edition. In this issue, a comfortable retirement is a common financial goal, and contributing to a pension is essential to achieving it. Although retirement may appear distant at the moment, there's much to consider. Let us

Summer Financial Magazine 2023

Welcome to our latest July/August 2023 edition. CLICK FOR THE FULL MAGAZINE   Articles featured in this issue:   Normal Minimum Pension Age update Essential information for your retirement planning   10 reasons to get your tax return filed now British workers overpay £8.2bn in tax due to wrong codes   Maximising your investments in...

These last few years have been crazy, haven’t they? Financially, first with the Pandemic then coming out of that we have the situation in Ukraine, associated Energy and Food supply and cost issues all feeding into pushing the world’s inflation up sharply,

Economic state of the nation

‘State’ Of the Nation – Interesting!!!   These last few years have been crazy, haven’t they? Financially, first with the Pandemic then coming out of that we have the situation in Ukraine, associated Energy and Food supply and cost issues all feeding into pushing the world’s inflation up sharply, which always brings with it higher interest rates to try and stem...

T A K I N G  A  P R O A C T I V E  A P P R O A C H  T O RETIREMENT PLANNING It’s no secret that the traditional approach to retirement planning is becoming increasingly obsolete. While previous generations may have depended on their employers to provide t

Taking a proactive approach to retirement planning

  It’s no secret that the traditional approach to retirement planning is becoming increasingly obsolete. While previous generations may have depended on their employers to provide them with a comfortable retirement, many of today's workers are often left to their own devices to save for their retirement. However, even as individuals take on more responsibility for their...

Oyster's Financial Magazine May/June 2023  Welcome to our latest edition. In this issue, Chancellor Jeremy Hunt’s first proper Budget 2023, on Wednesday 15 March, brought some welcome but unexpected changes to pension tax. Britons can now expect significa

Oysters Financial Magazine May June 2023

Oyster's Financial Magazine May/June 2023 Welcome to our latest edition. In this issue, Chancellor Jeremy Hunt’s first proper Budget 2023, on Wednesday 15 March, brought some welcome but unexpected changes to pension tax. Britons can now expect significant changes that will affect their retirement savings. On page 10 we consider how these changes could impact on your pension and...

On the 6th April 2023 Oyster Financial Planning will have be trading for 9 years! Where has that time gone?   I myself, Michael Osman have been advising for 26 years of which 9 have been at Oyster.   We have certainly seen some changes and consistent grow

Oyster Financial Planning Anniversary

Oyster is 9 years old!!   On the 6th April 2023 Oyster Financial Planning will have be trading for 9 years! Where has that time gone? I myself, Michael Osman have been advising for 26 years of which 9 have been at Oyster. We have certainly seen some changes and consistent growth over the last 9 years. Helping lots of our clients, most of whom are local people gain Confidence...

Investing for grandchildren can be used to help fund college tuition, make a down payment on their first car or home, or even start a retirement fund. The earlier you invest, the more time your funds have to grow and compound over time.  This means

Investing in the future of Grandchildren

SETTING UP A FUTURE FOR MY GRANDCHILDREN How to give them more opportunities for life.   Investing in the future of your grandchildren is a great way to help them prepare for their financial needs in life.  By setting aside money now, you can provide them with added security and increased opportunities in the years to come.  Investing for grandchildren...

Welcome to our latest edition. In this issue, financial planning can be a daunting and uncomfortable conversation for many, but thankfully attitudes towards talking about money are changing. Wealth succession should be an integral part of your financial p

Oysters Financial Magazine March 2023

WEALTH SUCCESSION Making the right preparations for future generations.   Welcome to our latest edition. In this issue, financial planning can be a daunting and uncomfortable conversation for many, but thankfully attitudes towards talking about money are changing. Wealth succession should be an integral part of your financial plan as early as possible – because the right...

Menopause in the workplace  Unique Retirement Planning Challenges Women Face  Women make up nearly half of the UK workforce, but many feel forced to reduce their hours at work, pass up promotions and even leave their jobs due to lack of menopoause support

Menopause in the workplace

Menopause in the workplace Unique Retirement Planning Challenges Women Face Women make up nearly half of the UK workforce, but many feel forced to reduce their hours at work, pass up promotions and even leave their jobs due to lack of menopause support.     While symptoms vary between individuals, for many women the menopause can have big impact on their everyday...

Are YOU a parent or grandparent to late teens or early 20’s who are working? If the answer is YES, please read on!  Its time to talk money!    Oyster have always encouraged our clients who have 20 (ish) year old children or grandchildren to speak to them

Its time to talk money

A tale of two twenties!   If you are a parent or grandparent to late teens or early 20’s who are working, please read on!   They will thank you in the long run!   Oyster have always encouraged our clients who have 20 (ish) year old children or grandchildren to speak to them about getting into the habit of regularly saving 10% of their earnings into short and longer term...

Welcome to our latest edition. With the current tax year having begun on 6 April 2022, the clock is ticking and it is important to utilise all the tax reliefs and allowances available to you before 5 April 2023 in order to minimise any potential liabiliti

Oysters New Year Financial Magazine 2023

Welcome to our latest edition. With the current tax year having begun on 6 April 2022, the clock is ticking and it is important to utilise all the tax reliefs and allowances available to you before 5 April 2023 in order to minimise any potential liabilities. CLICK FOR THE FULL MAGAZINE   On page 10, we look at the way personal tax planning should be at the top of your agenda as the end...

Today everything is different.  Not only are we living longer, healthier and more active lives, most of us can now decide when, how, and even if, we retire.  It's never too early to start thinking about retirement planning. Whether you're just starting yo

Retirement Matters

Today everything is different.  Not only are we living longer, healthier and more active lives, most of us can now decide when, how, and even if, we retire. It's never too early to start thinking about retirement planning. Whether you're just starting your career or you're a few years away from retirement, it's essential to start saving and investing for your future. But...

As the cost of living continues to soar, with inflation reaching a 40-year high, the impact on household finances is taking its toll. But it is essential to try to maintain a savings habit even in the current climate. On page 10 we look at the impact brea

Oysters Winter Financial Magazine 22

DON'T ABANDON PENSION CONTRIBUTIONS AS PRICES RISE Savers could miss out on thousands of pounds in retirement.   As the cost of living continues to soar, with inflation reaching a 40-year high, the impact on household finances is taking its toll. But it is essential to try to maintain a savings habit even in the current climate. On page 10 we look at the impact breaks in pension...

Welcome to our guide to maximising pension savings.  Many people are feeling the pressure on their finances at the moment due to the backdrop of rising inflation and the cost-of-living soaring.  In these circumstances, it can be difficult to think about y

Oysters Guide to Maximising Pension Savings

Welcome to our guide to maximising pension savings.  Many people are feeling the pressure on their finances at the moment due to the backdrop of rising inflation and the cost-of-living soaring.  In these circumstances, it can be difficult to think about your long-term finances or even contemplate saving for the future.  Click here for the full guide "Anyone who...

Three things to put on your family protection ‘to do’ list    Welcome to our Guide to Family Protection. There various complex risks in life that we all face, such as serious illness, an accident or death. What would happen if something were to happen to

Oysters Guide to family financial protection

FAMILY PROTECTION   Three things to put on your family protection ‘to do’ list   Welcome to our Guide to Family Protection. There various complex risks in life that we all face, such as serious illness, an accident or death. What would happen if something were to happen to you? Would your family be able to cope financially with the impact an unexpected event might have...

PUTTING LIFE ON HOLD Delays to homeownership, having children and retirement. 

Oyster Autumn Newsletter - Cost-of-living crisis

PUTTING LIFE ON HOLD Delays to homeownership, having children and retirement.    Welcome to our latest edition. Rising living costs have been so significant in recent months that most UK households will have noticed a squeeze on their monthly budgets. Not only does this have a direct impact on people’s lifestyles, even though they are making every effort to cut back, but it...

Oysters Guide to making the most of your financial future image

Oysters Guide to making the most of your financial future

Getting Your Retirement Plans in Motion   When it comes to retirement planning, there are a lot of things to consider. First and foremost, you need to make sure that you have enough saved up to cover your costs.  This includes things like living expenses, health and care costs, and any other debts or financial obligations you may have.   Click for the full guide   You...

It’s not surprising that the world of investing can seem complex, especially in the current global economic climate. Investors face an endless supply of market news, many investment choices and often-changing market conditions. There are a number of key p

Oyster's Summer Financial Magazine 2022

Welcome to our latest edition. Welcome to our latest edition. It’s not surprising that the world of investing can seem complex, especially in the current global economic climate. Investors face an endless supply of market news, many investment choices and often-changing market conditions. There are a number of key principles that every investor should follow with the aim of building an...

10th Charity Golf Day Results image

10th Charity Golf Day Results

Friday 1st July saw our 10th SO45 Charity Golf Day take place at Dibden Golf Course raising money for The Waterside Cancer Support Centre organised each year by Michael & Donna Osman.    Well, what a day! Our hope this year was to take the total we have raised in 10 years for local good causes, charities and projects to 100k.  Before the day our total raised from golf days...

A revolution in family law finally removes the need for blame as a basis for divorce. No one enters into marriage expecting it to end in divorce. However, it happens for many couples.    It can be an emotionally charged time but there are things you can d

Divorce. Be financially smart

Dealing With Divorce   A revolution in family law finally removes the need for blame as a basis for divorce. No one enters into marriage expecting it to end in divorce. However, it happens for many couples.   It can be an emotionally charged time but there are things you can do to make the process go more smoothly. Keeping a level head whilst negotiating a financial settlement is...

During our working lives with sleep and work hours we can expend a lot of the 168 hours, add in family time, hobbies, some learning and social time you will probably fill the 168 hours quite easily by balancing all of the above to suit you.    Will this b

168 hours a week even in retirement

168 hours in a week! How do you spend your time?   From the super wealthy billionaires to the ordinary person in the street we all have the same to spend each week in life now and retirement. All of us have 168 hours a week.   How do you ‘spend’ your time?   Do you feel like there is never enough time in the day, or are you sat around trying to find...

Oysters Guide to Estate Preservation - What will your legacy look like?

Oysters Guide to Estate Preservation

What will your legacy look like? Welcome to our Guide to Estate Preservation. This is an important part of wealth management, no matter how much wealthyou have built up. It’s the process of making a plan for how your assets will be distributed upon your death or incapacitation. Click for the full guide   This subject doesn’t only affect the very wealthy. Inheritance...

Building financial wealth.  Six tried and trusted principles to help you reach your investment goals.

Oysters Guide to Building Financial Wealth

Six tried and trusted principles to help you reach your investment goals. If you're new to investing, knowing where to start can be a daunting task.  The reality is that people should start saving and investing as early as possible.  The growth of savings and the power of compounding gives an enormous head start to those who can put money aside and invest in the early stages of...

SO45 Charity golf day 10th year.  Can we reach our goal of 100k in our tenth year?

SO45 Charity Golf Day 10th Year

SO45 Online Charity Golf Day is 10! Friday 1st July see’s Dibden Golf Course host the 10th annual SO45 Online Charity Golf Day. 120 golfers are expected to take part in this years event. All attempting to be crowned champion golfer and win the prestigious Paul Brogan Memorial Trophy. Paul a local man and a keen golfer sadly lost his life to cancer in 2012 and as he was a friend and...

Navigating the cost of living crisis.  How you can keep the cost of bills down while inflation is high

Navigating the cost of living crisis

How you can keep the cost of bills down while inflation is high. Rising inflation and increases in taxes are set to leave millions worse off in 2022.  Households are already grappling with the worst cost of living crisis in a generation but budgets have been further squeezed by a raft of pricwe and tax rises.  Inflation is the highest it has been in 30 years and no one is...

Fed up with you nine-five? Sixty is the most popular age to retire.   We know you’ll have different priorities for your wealth at different points in your life. Whatever your financial aims, we can help you achieve them.

Oysters May Financial Magazine

Welcome to our latest edition. Are you fed up with your nine-to-five? There are many factors that can influence when someone decides to retire. For some, it may be based on health reasons, while others may want to take advantage of government benefits or simply enjoy a more relaxed lifestyle. However, one of the most common factors that determines when people choose to retire is their age. On...

Some changes you can predict, while others you simply cannot.  But that doesn't mean you can't have a plan in place to help mitigate the impacts and protect your wealth, should something change in your life, like your career, your health or even your fami

Guide to Financial Protection

Prepare for the unexpected... Change is inevitable.  It's part of life. Click for the full GUIDE  Some changes you can predict, while others you simply cannot.  But that doesn't mean you can't have a plan in place to help mitigate the impacts and protect your wealth, should something change in your life, like your career, your health or even your family...

A Guide to smoothing out financial market volatility image

A Guide to smoothing out financial market volatility

So you have a lump sum to invest.  What now? Do you invest it all at once or bit by bit?  Will soaring inflation, rising  interest rates and further supply chain disruption fuel market volatility this year  and impact on your lump sum? Click here to read the full guide   Pound cost averaging enables you to create a more disciplined investment...

Invest your way out of inflation - Why now is the time to make sure that you protect your wealth

Oysters Spring Financial Magazine 2022

Welcome to our latest Oyster March/April 2022 edition.  CLICK FOR THE FULL MAGAZINE Articles featured in this issue: Getting ready to retire? Bolstering your retirement lifestyle as you approach retirement  Invest your way out of inflation Why now is the time to make sure you protect your wealth Looking to build a bigger pension? Don’t miss the...

Save Now Buy Later - Getting on the property ladder

Save Now Buy Later

SAVE NOW BUY LATER 1997 doesn’t feel too far away, right? Biggest new story of that year was the passing of Princess Diana. A lot has changed in the world since then. One of the biggest changes has been the relentless growth in UK housing prices. Back in 1997 the average house price in the UK was c£64,000, in 2020 that was £234,000 rising to a predicted £...

2021/22 tax year-end planning

2021/22 Tax Year-end planning

Protect yourself, your family and your future As another tax year end approaches, it’s important to finalise your 2021/22 tax planning to reduce your obligations wherever possible. The current tax year started on 6 April 2021 and ends on 5 April 2022.  Reviewing your tax affairs now will enable you to make the most of any allowable deductions and strategies available to...

Oyster's New Year Financial Magazine 2022

Oyster's New Year Financial Magazine 2022

Welcome to our latest edition. Inside, we look at New Year’s tax saving resolutions to make sure you are fully utilising your relevant tax planning opportunities. With the tax year end (5 April) on the horizon, taking action now may give you the opportunity to take advantage of any remaining reliefs, allowances and exemptions. CLICK FOR THE FULL MAGAZINE On page 08 we have...

Michael Osman 25 years as a financial adviser

25 years as a financial adviser

25 years, where has that time gone? This week I celebrate 25 years since I started my career as a financial adviser/planner. I don’t feel old enough!!! Beginning at Standard Life in 1997, 7 years there, 10 years as a director/planner with an IFA practice in Chandlers Ford and the last 8 years since we set up Oyster.  It’s been a really enjoyable time. As my clients will...

The State Pension image

The State Pension

What will I receive from the State Pension in my retirement? The State Pension is a vital source of income for millions of retired people across Britain.  However, the system can be complex and it is important that you know how it works.  If you're looking to maximise your income in retirement, a good place to start is with your State Pension.  Click here to download...

How can I protect my wealth from inflation - Financial advice

Oyster's Autumn Financial Magazine

Welcome to Oyster's latest Newsletter magazine November/December 2021 edition. CLICK HERE FOR THE FULL MAGAZINE Articles featured in this issue: Change to the State Pension triple lock Pensioners ‘deeply disappointed’, particularly women and self-employed UK pensioners underpaid More than £1 billion in State Pensions impacted due to ‘repeated human...

Oyster's guide. Your options at retirement, turning pension savings into income for life

Oyster's Guide to your options at retirement

How to turn your pension savings into income for life.  There are many things to consider as you approach retirement.  It's good to start by reviewing your finances to ensure your future income will allow you to enjoy the lifestyle you want.  The earlier you start thinking about what you'll need for a comfortable retirement and where your money is going to come from...

Oyster's Autumn Financial News Magazine Sept/Oct 2021 image

Oyster's Autumn Financial News Magazine Sept/Oct 2021

BUILD YOU OWN FINANCIAL PLAN Vision without action is merely a dream   Welcome to our September/October 2021 issue. Inside, we look at how having a financial plan in place early on can make it easier to manage your money further down the line. It’s never too early to make a financial plan. Click here to view the full financial magazine The sooner you work out your goals...

Oyster's Summer 2021 Financial Planning Magazine

Oyster's Summer Financial Planning Newsletter

PENSION BOOST Welcome to our latest edition. Inside this issue, the unique combination of tax breaks and flexible access available to pensions makes them a compelling choice when saving for retirement. On page 08 we look at one of the key benefits of saving into a pension rather than another type of savings or investment vehicle – the generous tax relief you’re entitled to...

Oyster's Spring May/June Financial Magazine image

Oyster's Spring May/June Financial Magazine

Welcome to our latest edition. As we enter another new phase in the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic, each UK nation has set out a roadmap out of lockdown, a positive sign that we can hopefully start to get back on track both financially and emotionally. Click to download the full magazine   It’s always a good time to consider financial planning, but even more so at the start of...

Oyster's Financial Newsletter March/April 2021 image

Oyster's Financial Newsletter March/April 2021

Welcome to our latest edition. At the time of publishing, Chancellor of the Exchequer Rishi Sunak had not delivered his Budget 2021 speech. We’ll look at the key announcements and how these could affect your personal, family and business finances in the next edition. Click here for the full magazine Articles featured in this issue: Passing on pension benefits Providing for...

Oyster Budget 2021 Summary image

Oyster Budget 2021 Summary

Oyster Budget Summary 2021 Following Rishi Sunak’s Budget Speech yesterday, here is a high level summary of some of the announcements. If you do have any questions please do not hesitate to contact me. I’ve seen a calculation that looks at the implied calculated costs of the ‘giveaways’ looking like some £70 Billion over the next few years, from the Furlough...

Cheque Presentation to The Waterside Cancer Centre image

Cheque Presentation to The Waterside Cancer Centre

Here at Oyster Financial Planning aka SO45 Online presented a cheque for £5,200 to The Waterside Cancer Support Centre from our recent annual Charity Golf Day which took place in July this year raising £6,200, £1,000 of which was presented to Hythe Sea Scouts.   The Waterside Cancer Support Centre based in Hythe is a very special place with a specialist team offering...

SO45 CHARITY GOLF DAY - Wessex Cancer Trust image

SO45 CHARITY GOLF DAY - Wessex Cancer Trust

SO45 Charity Golf Day 2019 - Well what a day.  Our 7th Annual SO45 Golf Day was a huge success.  With the weather not so great, all 68 players joined us for a day of some great golf and possibly not so great.  As always everyone who took part enjoyed the day along with those that joined us for the presentation, raffle and auction and of course the game of heads n tails...




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